Combine creatine and antioxidants to build muscle and reduce free radical damage.
You have been working hard at the gym. You follow the latest fitness trends and listen to advice from your buddies. Still, you’re not seeing the results you've been hoping for. You might not be providing your body with the proper nutrients to build muscle. That's where a creatine supplement comes in.
Considering Creatine
Creatine occurs naturally within our muscle cells. It helps produce cellular energy. Athletes are known to take creatine supplements to help with weight training and body building. Creatine is a true star which helps you pack on more muscle when you work out. The results are quick and obvious.
You'll see bigger muscle; no fat, just lean body mass. You will have more strength and your muscles will perform great at high intensity reps. Plus, you'll experience a difference when recovering post workout. It effectively cuts down the time of recovery and helps reduce sore muscles.
Does all this sound too good to be true? Let us assure you, creatine is all that and more! You'll be happy to know that creatine has a low risk of side effects. Research confirms that when taken according to recommended dosage, creatine is absolutely safe for healthy individuals. In truth, there's no problem with creatine itself. However, there is a small issue.
Get a Free Antioxidant Supplement (a $29 value) with your Creatine Workout Supplement purchase:
Use coupon code A15 at checkout.The Free Radical Dilemma
When you work out, your body produces free radicals as a byproduct. In fact, the more you work out, the more free radicals are released. Upon reacting with some chemicals within your body, free radicals can potentially interfere with normal cellular activity and cause serious damage to cells.
Some free radicals can permanently affect and destroy perfectly healthy cells. This breakdown in cell structure can cause your body to age: creating dry patches, wrinkles and a dull complexion.
Luckily, there's a way to fight off this aging: antioxidants. Antioxidants bind themselves to free radicals and destroy them before they are able to damage your cells. You'll also find a list of other antioxidant benefits: positive effects for the immune system, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, and reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer.
Simple Solution
If you're looking for a “next-level” body, our recommendation is simple. Pick up a high-quality creatine monohydrate supplement while pairing it with a steady supply of antioxidants.